Confirmed here as well. Trying to create a poll just creates a new thread.
I was able to correct this by editing the
Include js for FB Feed for new thread (non ajax) plugin to check if the newthread is a poll before running. Here is my current code.
if (!$newpost['postpoll'])
if( $vbulletin->userinfo['isfbuser'] AND $vbulletin->options['vbnexusconfig_facebook_newthreadfeed'] AND $vbulletin->vbnexus->userinfo['newthreadfeed'])
// TODO: Need to take care of different types of thread/moderation etc
$vbulletin->url = 'showthread.php?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "p=$newpost[postid]#post$newpost[postid]";
$vbnexusjs = "
var threadtitle = '" . $newpost[title] . "';
var threadurl = bburl + '/". html_entity_decode($vbulletin->url) ."';
var templateid = ". $vbulletin->options[vbnexusconfig_facebook_newthreadfeedtemplateid] . ";
FB.Connect.showFeedDialog(templateid, {'bbtitle': bbtitle, 'bburl': bburl, 'threadtitle': threadtitle, 'threadurl': threadurl}, null, null, null, FB.RequireConnect.doNotRequire, function()
window.location = threadurl;
}, '', {value: '" . $vbulletin->db->escape_string($vbphrase[vbnexus_facebook_user_posted_a_new_thread]) . "'});
This allows me to post polls, but they do not post to Facebook.