I created a block on the profile page to hold the link to the playlist. I would like to know how to hide the block if the member hasn't created a playlist yet. I used this article to create my block:
I do not like the link to the playlist lost in the About Me tab. I needed it more visible on the profile page. I would like the option to have the playlist inside a block with a link that says something like: "Take This Playlist With You". That link would open the popup so you can browse away from the profile page.
Here is my block code: (playlist code is
<!--new block-->
<!-- $id -->
<div id="$id" class="tborder content_block">
<h4 class="thead block_title">
<a href="#top" class="collapse_gadget" onclick="return toggle_collapse('$id')"><img id="collapseimg_$id" src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/collapse_generic{$vbcollapse['collapseimg_'.$id]}.gif" alt="" border="0" /></a>
<a name="$id"></a>
<span class="block_name">My Playlist</span>
<div class="block_content" id="collapseobj_$id" style="{$vbcollapse['collapseobj_'.$id]}"><div class="alt1 smallfont block_row block_footer">
<if condition="$userinfo['fieldXX']">
<div id="simple_aboutme_link"><a class="smallfont" href="#" onclick="window.open('$vboptions[bburl]/playlist.php?$session[sessionurl]userid=$prepared[userid]','playlist','status=1,width=450,height=344'); return false;"><phrase 1="$prepared[username]">$vbphrase[listen_to_xs_playlist]</phrase> <img src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/playlist.png" alt="<phrase 1="$prepared[username]">$vbphrase[listen_to_xs_playlist]</phrase>" border="0" class="inlineimg" /></a></div>
<!-- / $id -->
<!--new block-->