I remember first enabling manual template, and putting this in my postbit
<div id="helpfulanswers_box_$post[postid]" class="smallfont">
I changed the guest vote URL to link directly to register.php.
Did the Digg style change, enabling hide vote on first post, disallowing negative responses, enabling self voting.
I enabled get top post for thread, and added this to my showthread to link to the highest rated thread.
<a href="$vboptions[bburl]/showthread.php?t=$threadid#post$thread[toppost]">
And changing the phrase $vbphrase[helpfulanswer_x_found] to {1} members like this.
I'm pretty sure there weren't any changes to the plugins. All reputation settings are disabled. I'm not sure where it's getting the number 4294967294.
Edit: I Googled the number and found this interesting:
2^32-1 = 4,294,967,295
This is the value of an unsigned 32 bit integer: 0 to +4,294,967,295
In other words, there is a type bug someone in vBadvanced that is causing this in numerous places in vBa and vBulleting. We have the same problem when we delete a link by a user who has posted only one link. The post count of that user always goes to 4,294,967,295. Running cleanup scripts does not help.