I did everything.. I see the images appear on my site with the exception of facebook for some reason but when I click on google it does not do anything?
Please help ...
I did place this code in my navbar for my template
<table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
<tr align="right">
<td align="right" valign="middle"><span class="smallfont">New! Use your <strong>Facebook, Google, AIM & Yahoo</strong> accounts to securely log into this site, <strong>click logo to login</strong></span></td>
<td width="380px" align="right"><!-- fbconnect --><fb:login-button onlogin="window.location='http://mmaxtra.com/forum/index.php?product=vbnexus&product-mod=facebook&do=login&loc=L2ZvcnVtLw==';"></fb:login-button><!-- / fbconnect -->  <a href='#' onclick='isgooglesignin = true; google.friendconnect.requestSignIn()'><img src="./vbnexus/images/nexus.gif" border="0"></a>