Originally Posted by ArnyVee
I've been getting some white screens after someone replies to a thread. Anyone experience this and, more importantly, were you able to fix it?
So they post then it goes to white screen and if you click on screen hit F5 it will only refresh the blank page but if you go up top and click behind (I presume it listed the new url as if it was going to redirect) the url and hit enter it will then show?
If that is the case make sure Arny you don't have ANY old style codes that your browsers might not like AND update your Java, been a few problems with some forums I work and help on since updating to 3.8.3 then to 3.8.4.
Also was it just Firefox users or Internet Explorer or Both?
PM me if I don't make it back to this thread anytime soon, I had the white pages after posting and it was some old code in a template, it was fine before the update to 3.8.3 but after that white pages and 9+ hours hunting it down