Any chance of this ever being programmed with Wiki Templates? I need templates for my Wiki... as well as parser functions...
{{ Move List Start }}
{{ Move List Row
| atk = Swift Espada
| cmd = [[Image:A.gif]][[Image:A.gif]]
| lvl = [[Image:H.gif]][[Image:H.gif]]
| dmg = 17
| imp = 13
| grd = -14
| hit = -5
| cnt = -5
| scr = 42
| nts = NC
{{ Move List End }}
{| border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%" bgcolor="#EEEEEE" style="text-align: center" class="sortable"
! bgcolor="#DDDDDD" | <small><strong>Attack Name</strong></small>
! bgcolor="#DDDDDD" | <small><strong>Command</strong></small>
! bgcolor="#DDDDDD" | <small><strong>Level</strong></small>
! bgcolor="#DDDDDD" | <small><strong>IMP</strong></small>
! bgcolor="#DDDDDD" | <small><strong>DMG</strong></small>
! bgcolor="#DDDDDD" | <small><strong>GRD</strong></small>
! bgcolor="#DDDDDD" | <small><strong>HIT</strong></small>
! bgcolor="#DDDDDD" | <small><strong>CH</strong></small>
! bgcolor="#DDDDDD" | <small><strong>SC</strong></small>
! bgcolor="#DDDDDD" | <small><strong>NOTES</strong></small>
| nowrap="nowrap" | <small> {{{atk}}} </small>
| nowrap="nowrap" | <small> {{{cmd}}} </small>
| nowrap="nowrap" | <small> {{{lvl}}} </small>
| <small> {{{imp}}} </small>
| <small> {{{dmg}}} </small>
| bgcolor="#FFFFCC" {{ #ifeq: {{{grd}}} | 0 | bgcolor="#CCFFCC"}} {{ #ifexpr: {{{grd}}} > 0 | bgcolor="#CCCCFF"}} {{ #ifexpr: {{{grd}}} < 0 | bgcolor="#FFCCCC"}} | <small> {{{grd}}} </small>
| bgcolor="#FFFFCC" {{ #ifeq: {{{hit}}} | 0 | bgcolor="#CCFFCC"}} {{ #ifexpr: {{{hit}}} > 0 | bgcolor="#CCCCFF"}} {{ #ifexpr: {{{hit}}} < 0 | bgcolor="#FFCCCC"}} | <small> {{{hit}}} </small>
| bgcolor="#FFFFCC" {{ #ifeq: {{{cnt}}} | 0 | bgcolor="#CCFFCC"}} {{ #ifexpr: {{{cnt}}} > 0 | bgcolor="#CCCCFF"}} {{ #ifexpr: {{{cnt}}} < 0 | bgcolor="#FFCCCC"}} | <small> {{{cnt}}} </small>
| <small> {{{scr}}} </small>
| align="right" style="padding-right:5px" | <small> {{{nts}}} </small>
|- class="sortbottom"
! bgcolor="#DDDDDD" | <small><strong>Attack Name</strong></small>
! bgcolor="#DDDDDD" | <small><strong>Command</strong></small>
! bgcolor="#DDDDDD" | <small><strong>Level</strong></small>
! bgcolor="#DDDDDD" | <small><strong>IMP</strong></small>
! bgcolor="#DDDDDD" | <small><strong>DMG</strong></small>
! bgcolor="#DDDDDD" | <small><strong>GRD</strong></small>
! bgcolor="#DDDDDD" | <small><strong>HIT</strong></small>
! bgcolor="#DDDDDD" | <small><strong>CH</strong></small>
! bgcolor="#DDDDDD" | <small><strong>SC</strong></small>
! bgcolor="#DDDDDD" | <small><strong>NOTES</strong></small>