Originally Posted by cad2go
Auto deal in poker please.
Overall it's very buggy. Come have a game sometime
It's laughable. Doesn't payout on hands, skips peoples calls, the works.
Well, I've played hundreds of hands in testing, and never had it skip a player or fail to payout. If you can provide more specific information on the state of the game when this occurred, preferably with a screenshot and a description of what happened and what should have happened I will have a much easier time verifying the error, and fixing it.
Gotta follow the instructions and put those framework files up. Without them, you get that error.
As for this:
if someone leaves the dealer button might completely dissapear
If the dealer leaves it goes to the next person.
By the way I was last to leave the room.... I left the table and then joined again and the dealer button "appeared"
Which it should, you can't deal, but if you are the only one there you are the dealer.