Coroner, I think there is a
Bug in the Deleting Process of the Uploaded Media Files for Public and Private Categories.
When I Delete a Media, Like a WMV Video, the Mod Deletes the File named "2_mediatype_wmv.gif" (for the Second Media in this Case), but Don't Deletes the "2_video_prueba_wmv.wmv" File, which is the Video itself, Leaving Lot's of Unused Files on the Folders, with the Consequence on Server Disk Usage Filled with "Trash" Files that are Very Hard to Select and Delete Manually One by One.
I Hope you can Fix this, because in case of Many Files is Very Hard for Admins to Select Which Files are Used and Which have been Deleted but have the Unused Video File in them, and more if Users Create Private Categories and Start Uploading and Deleting Many Videos, Collapsing the Server's Hard Disk Space.
My Best Regards.