Questions regarding modifications and styles need to be asked in the thread you downloaded the modification or style from.
Also, you need to wait more than 9 minutes for a reply. Please see our
General Site Rules:
- No "Bumping" (Your threads/posts): Please do not repeatedly bump your threads to try and get attention. Most members of the site are not online 24 hours a day and so will not see your post the instant it is made. Do not bump a thread within 24 hours, and not more than twice a week.
- No "Bumping" (Other’s threads/posts): Before replying to a thread, take notice of the last post date. Try and avoid replying to posts more than 6 months old. If you have a similar question and cannot find the answer, create your own thread. Generally speaking, due to the progression of vBulletin development, a post more than 6 months old is more than likely going to be for an older version of vBulletin.