Originally Posted by burntire
Thanks for the info. I added on more question to my previous post. I was curious about thumb height on the main page blocks.
Yeah, the problem with timeslips is that they are pretty tall images.
You could change the code on that block so that it limits by height instead.
Open includes/garage_func_vars.php
Line 2443
Change from
$image_id = '<a href="garage_attachment.php?id=' . $vehicle_img[attach_id] . '" rel="lightbox" title="<a href="garage_attachment.php?id=' . $vehicle_img[attach_id] . '&attach_type=full" target="NewResource">' . $vbphrase[garage_txt_view_lrg_img] . '</a>"><img src="' . $filedir . '/' . $vehicle_img[attach_thumb_location] . '" border="0" width="50"></a>';
to something like
$image_id = '<a href="garage_attachment.php?id=' . $vehicle_img[attach_id] . '" rel="lightbox" title="<a href="garage_attachment.php?id=' . $vehicle_img[attach_id] . '&attach_type=full" target="NewResource">' . $vbphrase[garage_txt_view_lrg_img] . '</a>"><img src="' . $filedir . '/' . $vehicle_img[attach_thumb_location] . '" border="0" height="75"></a>';