Auto deal in poker please.
Overall it's very buggy. Come have a game sometime
It's laughable. Doesn't payout on hands, skips peoples calls, the works.
pm for url (full version)
Flex Error #1001: Digest mismatch with RSL Redeploy the matching RSL or relink your application with the matching library
tourney feedback
1. if you win a hand it doesnt always give you the pot
2. if someone leaves the dealer button might completely dissapear
People were calling 10x pre flop raises with A2. Need to get that fixed.
When xxx left, who was after me, I had to check after everybody else's turn.
Good feedback people. That no dealer thing is annoying as fxxk. Also xx went all in versus me and I was still asked if I wanted to raise and was able to too.
Originally Posted by xx
When I went all in it was still asking me to check or fold on every street.
i was seeing the flop before i betted