It's a nice enough script, (not something I would use) I don't like to overcrowd the index area too much. I think layout wise there's room for improvements.
I think with whos_online next gen scripts you have to keep the data simple. In my opinion, top ten posts and thread starters shouldn't even make it in this script. Keeping the whos online data should be the only statistical data on view.
I mean, I could be saying this and you have in the options of being able to disable the top ten posts/threadstarters. I know I don't care who posted how much or who created the most thread in X days.
Don't get me wrong, nice work. in my eyes I would regard this as bloat and unneeded data on the index page where more useful information could be put. The space this is using is simply overkill.
Like I said, regardless of my views I'm sure many people would use this so for that nice work Hasaan.