how do i use your code for the plugin
i went to vb options --> guild mate, only has option to pick usersgrps who can use it, default at 6
ya when i re-enable the plugin i get that error again viewsing threads/posts
went to plugins & products --> manage products --> guild mate .1 --> edit
pasted this code into the new install box, and still getting error
global $vbulletin,$userinfo;
$user_chars = $vbulletin->db->query("select vbg.game_name as CharGame, vbs.server_name CharServer, vbc.character_name as CharName FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "vbguild_Game as vbg, " . TABLE_PREFIX . "vbguild_Server as vbs, " . TABLE_PREFIX . "vbguild_Character as vbc
WHERE vbc.user_id = '$post[userid]'
AND vbc.server_id = vbs.server_id
AND vbs.game_id = vbg.game_id
ORDER BY vbg.game_name, vbs.server_name, vbc.character_name
eval('$gm_header .= "' . fetch_template('gm_char_postbit_header') . '";');
$gm_char_data .= $gm_header;
while($CharData = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($user_chars))
$char_game = $CharData['CharGame'];
$char_server = $CharData['CharServer'];
$char_name = $CharData['CharName'];
$gm_user_groups_allowed = explode(',',$vbulletin->options['gm_ugl_view_chars']);
eval('$gm_char_data .= "' . fetch_template('gm_postbit_char_bit') . '";');
// If there's no character data
if ($gm_char_data == "") {
eval('$gm_char_data .= "' . fetch_template('gm_postbit_char_none') . '";');