Originally Posted by inciarco
After Uploading the Files and Updating and Overwriting the Product, when trying to access the "gameroom.php" File appears an Error Message:
" RSL Error 1 of 1"
" Error #2032"
Previous Version Works Fine but this New One don't.
I Hope this can be Fixed.
My Best Regards.

You need those framework files, pulling those out is what reduced the file size, that way they are cached by flash player (and are used across many flash apps) so users only need to download them once, then never again.
Originally Posted by imported_silkroad
The first half was easy, just added a new db field move to table gameroom_board_game_log and added the move to the log update dB query.
The next part is a lot more tricky  I think, off hand, the best approach is to create a new type sysMsg function that writes the moves to the chat window on demand. "On demand" means that the system will look at the chat messages in the gameroom, and if the chat "GETMOVES" (or something like that) when that will be interpreted as a command and it will read the moves out of the dB and then post then to the game chat area.
Maybe even an optional number of moves, like GETMOVES 10 (that defaults to ALL when an optional number argument is not present).
The more I think about it, I think adding a simple chat-system-command interpreter is maybe the best way to go...... 
Right now they are storred in the chat logs, as userID '-1', which is what is used to filter them out when they are turned off. Match chatid and pull all entries by userid -1 and you should have what you are looking for. Right now it automatically pulls all messages from the last 2 minutes when you enter a room, if you modify that to also pull any that have a userid of -1 you should get what you want.
As for the notation, it is expanded to make sense to people that don't know chess notation. You get the letters / numbers on the screen and messages like "Rook a4-b4"