Originally Posted by Dr.LoVe
NLP , Thank you very much
Really really Great MOD .
I have some questions if you don't mind
First : i have tags on my forum
Could you gave me way to delete the olds tags in these tables ( tag , tagsearch , tagthread )
And after that i'll install your MOD , Because i have lots of tags is NOT good i wanna delete it
Becuase your MOD will add tags on old and new threads , That's right ??
I wanna rebuild tag from zero , Can i do this ??
And onther qestion
My forum is arabic forum when people add threads with Comma or Point or Exclamation mark or Quote ..etc
it'll appear in the tag is there any way to except these ??
Thank you very much
First - install check does ti is working appropriate for you. And when you will be sure then it is safe to delete tags. You can delete tags in AdminCP manually, or made it in SQL.
My mod will add tags to old and new threads. Note that my mod don't create new tags directly. It will associate existing tags to threads where it is appropriate, and it will made tas propositions. You can refuse proposition or agree - then proposition will be changed to tag and it will be asociated with threads by schedued tags. So if you remowe all your tags then you will have to check propositions and agree for those which are appropriate (thanks that you will not have a mess like now). I think that removing only wrong tags by Admin CP is good way - of course if you have real mess there it could be easier to delete by SQL, but then you will spend some time with propositions.
Comas and so on should not appear in tag. You are writing about my mod right now?