Ok IdanB... in the actual xml I modified this part you'll see what I added...
// Code written by Idan Bismut (c) 2009
// Copy and/or re-use of this code (or part of it) without author approval in writing is forbidden
if ( $vbulletin->options['alt_lp_global_enabled'] == 1)
if ( ( ($vbulletin->options['alt_lp_enable_on_forumhome'] == 1) && (THIS_SCRIPT == 'index') ) || ( ($vbulletin->options['alt_lp_enable_in_forumdisplay'] == 1) && (THIS_SCRIPT == 'forumdisplay') ) || ( ($vbulletin->options['alt_lp_enable_in_forumdisplay'] == 1) && (THIS_SCRIPT == 'tabforumhome') ) )
Plus another instance near the bottom:
<title>Forum Home - Template Change</title>
<phpcode><![CDATA[// Alternate Last Post Display Modification
// ----------------------------------------
// Code written by Idan Bismut (c) 2009
// Copy and/or re-use of this code (or part of it) without author approval in writing is forbidden
if ( $vbulletin->options['alt_lp_global_enabled'] == 1)
if ( ($vbulletin->options['alt_lp_enable_on_forumhome'] == 1) && (THIS_SCRIPT == 'index') || ( ($vbulletin->options['alt_lp_enable_on_forumhome'] == 1) && (THIS_SCRIPT == 'tabforumhome') ) )
// Fixed in v.1.1.4 - now all inside template, so user may update it as they please !
//$vbulletin->templatecache['forumhome_lastpostby'] = "<div align='left'><table width='100%'><tr><td align='left' width='40'>\$vbulletin->options['usefileavatar']</td><td align='left' NOWRAP><a href='\$GLOBALS[alt_lp_last_post_link]'>\$GLOBALS[alt_lp_last_post_title]</a> $vbphrase[alt_lp_by] <a href='\$GLOBALS[alt_lp_last_poster_profle_link]'>\$GLOBALS[alt_lp_last_poster]</a><br>\$GLOBALS[alt_lp_last_post_time_ago]</td></tr></table></div>";
$vbulletin->templatecache['forumhome_lastpostby'] = $vbulletin->templatecache['forumhome_lastpostby_alternate_view'];
//eval('$vbulletin->templatecache[\'forumhome_lastpostby\'] = "' . fetch_template('forumhome_lastpostby_alternate_view') . '";');
// Reload template so the first bit will be updated as well
eval('$forum[\'lastpostinfo\'] = "' . fetch_template('forumhome_lastpostby') . '";');
And I believe that was it... I had another similar mod for Avatars in another area of the forum so I had to change that as well but don't think they were directly related. So to sum it up all I did (sorry I had to backtrack due to heavily modifying that similar mod that was for threadbit etc) was add in another && this script etc w/ the forumhometab named as the if this script.
Edit: See attached copy of XML that has been modified for my forum w/ this && this_script for Tabbed Forum Home.