This is fantastic script, my community loves it, but I am having an issue I can't get around using current permission page.
I want all user-groups to be able to see the chat-box, but only my Gold/Silver paying members to be able to post messages.
Thus I went to permission page and set all user groups for read only access (except Gold and Silver).
But soon I've started getting private messages from Gold/Silver members, that they are unable to post into chat-room.
Then I've realized, that all my paying members are always in fact members of two groups, paying gold/silver group, but also regular members group.
Problem is, that Gold/Silver are sharing permissions (on a forum level) of both groups, primary paying group and also additional group of regular members:
Attachment 103540
There isn't an option in chat permission page to get around the situation like this, because it assumes, that a forum member is always a member of only one forum user-group.
(Please note, that for various plugin related reasons, I have to keep these gold/silver members also part of reg. membership)
Any way to get around this issue?