Need an Addon making for vbcredits - it can be stand alone but needs to work with vbcredits as this is the system i will be using for points.
What im after is the abilty to restrict members from downloading attachments in certain sections as i dont want it board wide.
1 - pay to download attachments (certain sections only) rar/zips (not jpegs etc)
2 - Pay uploader a set fee for uploading attachments (certain sections only) rar/zips
3 - no credit no download (must be secure so no one gets stuff for free )
4 - Stats page addon will be discussed when job taken.
As simple as that really - Need it to work only on attachments such as rars/zips - not jpgs
Contact me with timeframe on how long to code etc and with price.I pay fee on completion and can supply refs of coders ive used in the past.