Originally Posted by CallieJo
Suggestions: - Upload artist photos option instead of linking to an image somewhere else. Maybe when vb4 is out with the new asset manager
Right now it's tedious to add photos elsewhere and then copy the photo link each time to place in the artist bio.
- Ability to move side blocks around. Not just left to right. But - first, second, third, fourth, etc. More options.
- Move customization options to vb admin.
- Links for registered users to add/edit artist and albums to add/edit their own. Right now we are only seeing add media as a registered member. Only admin can see add/edit artist, etc.
- In highly customized styles including a lot of css, we don't get the full style of your style when we choose to use your style. Some blocks like the my playlist block is using our style instead and does not match. The td is not matching and most links are not matching either. Could be a conflict with our css and the default DnP one.
- Ability to hide the whole thing from users not logged in, banned members, and users who have not verified their email address yet.
This is an awesome addon! I really like the style overall and the features. Thanks for all your hard work.
1-The reason direct upload is not implemented because for some host, bandwidth is very much limited. It is also a security issue and soon becomes a more complicated process than it looks for member to use. Imageshack is always my favorite hosting service because it's fast and hotlinking is not a problem.
2-This is what I'm up to. I'm thinking about movable blocks that user can drag and drop manually too.
3-This idea has been discussed before somewhere back in the last 28 pages. In short, the reason I did not move it into admincp is because admincp does not have the ability to edit and save the setting file.
4-A user media manager system plugin is being developed
5-Default musicbox style intends to imitate the look of DnP Original musicbox on the Demo site as much as possible. However there is limitation that it might be inherited the css from highly customized stylesheet as you notice. In such cases, matching forum style is much more recommended to use.
6-It has been added on v1.0.8
Thanks for the feedback

, as the MOD is almost 2months old and there is still alot of things to be done or improved. I'll try to see what could be included in next update.