This is how I make correct authors show up, however I only have 2 or so people posting anything that displays so it might not be ideal.
PHP Code:
if ($vbridge[id] > 0) {
<a href="<?php echo get_option('vbb_VBURL') ?>/members.php?u=<?php echo $vbridge['thread_starter'] ?>/"><?php echo strval($vbridge['postusername']) ?></a>
and it should make the correct name show up with a link to their profile. I don't recall if I changed anything in the bridge files themselves, but I copied portions of the comment code and applied it elsewhere. Just paste this code whever you want the author's (thread starter's) name to show up.
Is there a way to just replace the whole comment section with the forum? For instance instead of showing the comment section underneath it, it just shows a mini version of your forum (just the posts parts) with all the forum buttons (post reply, quick reply, etc.)...
I just completely skipped the comment page altogether and make any links pointing towards comments to direct to
which I've also modified to show the number of replies to the thread as if they were comments.