Originally Posted by msnhockey
Hi.. i have installed this product and the extra swfuploader
I am having trobles getting .swf videos to show. they upload no prob but when i view i get this
video not found
I also get white blank pages on only the mass edit pages also anyway to get an image from the video to show as a thumbnail
any help or tips is appriciated
A few remarks/suggestions -
LDM is pre-configured to use Jeroen Wijering's media player to handle videos in .flv and mp4/m4v formats, but this player does not handle .swf format.
The error message that you have posted seems to have an incomplete url. It should continue after "stre". I tried looking at your site, but did not find any videos to test.
White blank pages are a sign of internal configuration/code problems, and you need to find out the problem. There are a series of suggestions in the wiki at
There is a (still experimental) extra, ffmpeg-utils, in the release which will extract the first frame from a video to use as thumbnail.
Happy to help further if needed.