Including global.php renders html tags?
I suspect this is probably a server/php config issue.. any ideas welcome.
I am including the vbulletin 3.8.3 forums/global.php file in my index.php file as follows:
$curdir = getcwd();
I get the following message on my browser screen:
"Unable to add cookies, header already sent."
"File: path_to_my/index.php"
"Line: 9"
Looking at the page source, I see that the head and title tags are rendered per the inclusion of global.php. The above error is occurring since these tags were already used previously in the page.
<html xmlns="" dir="" lang="">
<title>My Community Forums</title>
The host server is Apache 1.3 with php 5.2. I don't have the above problem with Apache 2.x and php 4.2. I am using the same browser for both hosts.
Any ideas?