Originally Posted by corsacrazy
also is it nessecary for the copyright ot be there on every page ?
DTO Garage vBulletin Plugins by Drive Thru Online, Inc.
Since this is a free version this is something that we require. That said we will be offering a branding free option in the next full release of Garage Plus if you choose to upgrade.
Originally Posted by corsacrazy;
also another slight error/bug.. when you do an ajax/quick reply the garage link in postbit isnt there 
Thanks for finding this. Let me look into this and see how to address this. I know its due to the ajax posting of the reply and the postbit processor not getting called. Regardless I'll follow up and see if this is something I can get addressed quickly and into the release we were planning for today.
Originally Posted by corsacrazy;
also again, how do i generate a link to put in my nav bar for the current user to view his/her vehicle (assuming they have just ONE [free version])
Since you would need the id of the garage I'll need to look at how this might need to be handled. Would you want this as a stand-alone link for the navbar or integrate a "My Garage" link in the Garage drop down. With the new random garage index page in the coming release I've added a Garages link to the Garage drop down menu so if you added this option here you would have three options in the Garage link. My Garage, if selected would take you to the Manage Garage UI.