Originally Posted by students_forum
Firstly, you can't take one example and extrapolate that I somehow made a general rule. I feel that when you have something like 28 counts of murder, then you should never be released. I personally, however, don't see any point in whining about it. Due to the fact that he'll be dead, which is of course the reason why we lock someone up - to keep them away.
Anyhow, this has been part of a political arena lately. Several countries get involved, such as the US Senate and lots of rumours of oil - which probably is true. Now matter what we think, we need oil. It is the one commodity that we depend on. And the person who controls that commodity has the power.
forget the oil - he should never of been released and the goverment should be brought down to their knees for allowing such a killer to walk away a free man.Its irrelevant if he only has a few months to live.One day of freedom for killers like him is one day to many.
Another day of shame for the UK