Still have Opera problem. I looked in settings.php and found admins and mod should be userid. It is OK now, but I think userid is better. We have 20 mods and add them by group, not user.
Also, we noticed your "color picker" does not permit us had a value unless the value is in your grid.
Also, your sports pool has a bug, creates double entries. Screen shots attached.
Also, we edited settings.php and changed the timers so people can at least play a game of Chess over a 30 day period, if they wish, LOL. "Real time".... hahahaha. You must have nothing to do but play games.... our forum is fully of pros who want to interact with each other without time controls.
PS: We pulled down your latest version of this code today. Screen shots of the files in the distro attached. You can easily see there is only one file in "tools" and it is not the one you mention