Originally Posted by JacquiiCooke
Meh - I could not give a damn whether you are "sorry" for me - The game of politics is often a sad one - you have haters on both sides. But when you have just sat and watched that clip and then calling the dude a LIAR, saying that the small print he referenced in the clip is not true when it IS TRUE - then perhaps you should look deep into your mirror and be sorry for yourself
Allright - Enough of the insults already - I have my opinion - you have yours. Deal with it. But the constitutional FACTS that I have seen Glenn Beck present - are not at all funny to me - when you consider the fact that the government has run amock, everywhere is a huge powergrab... Perhaps you may deny it - then I will turn the tables around and laugh at you.
No no I will call him a lier because he is one. If you have read my post from above or the others where they link to snopes.com you will see where they prove his made up facts wrong. I have been on the site and know for a FACT that what he says is not true.
Not only has 20 sponsors pulled out during his time spot because of his hilarious show he was also suspended this week. All this due to him making stuff up and his wild accusations.