Originally Posted by UKBusinessLive
Hi Justitaly.eu
If you have a particular Issue and it cannot be resolved via the forums then you can contact a member of staff directly here https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/info.php?do=staff
Just chose one that you feel would best help you.
Hello UKBuisnesslive,
Firstly, thank you for your informative post and i have resolved my issue via a support ticket at vbulletin.com although the issue was one of vbulletin.org
Most websites have a contact us or support button and so does vbulletin.org. When i have a issue my first point of call would be to look for that button. I sent several message through that button and no one bothered to reply nor at any point did that button suggest that i try to post the issue (private) in the forums or contact a member of staff.
So lets say a screen message came up through the sendmessage.php as i was logged in that indicated :
1) I should either post in the forums (if not private issue)
2) Contact a memeber of vbulletin.org admin staff (
3) Contact vbulletin.com through support ticket.
Ok, so i select number 2 because my issue was a vbulletin.org private issue.
Then i read the signature of 2 of those admins:
Marco van HerwaardenvBulletin.org Coordinator
PS Please do not use PM to ask for support. If you have a support question post on the forums please.
Paul M
Please do not PM me about custom work - I no longer have the time to undertake any.
Please note I don't answer support questions via e-mail or PM - please use the relevant thread or forum.
At this point i am now confused!
No one responds via contact us button, admins will not reply by PM so last choice is vbulletin.com support ticket.
After waisting time in sending messages in filling out the contact forum, waisting time in clicking the staff link. sending pms or email that admins have stated that they will not repond to.
The only last option is contact vbulletin.com support.
In the interest of speed, being more user friendly and more profesional why not add a condition to that contact us button to link direct to vbulletin.com support ticket system if request is coming from a member that does not want to post a private message in the forums, cannot contact an admin via PM.
Originally Posted by TNCclubman
basically what everyones saying is they're not going to fix the contact us at the bottom of the page to actually work, for you or anyone else. Use the other ways to get ahold of people.
To me it does not work and thats why i suggested some kind of fix as CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK.
Originally Posted by Marco van Herwaarden
Nobody ever said it didn't work. It does work, but you have the chance that the message gets burried between thousands of others. And considering the time it takes to process, messages that don't belong there will never get a response.
Questions that can/should be asked on the forums or in PM to staff should be asked on the forums. The Contact Us is not a private support option.
So it dosent work well and could be improved to reduce your workloads and made easier for a member to contact support.
I have nothing else to add on the matter. I've suggested this as feedback based on my experiences using the current method.
Thank You