I mean no disrespect, but you're not reading what I'm writing. I'll repeat myself, and this time I've added pictures to illustrate:
Originally Posted by VBDev
You can enable or disable access to bbcodes in usergroup.
Here are the GLOBAL permissions for BBCode, I highlighted the sections that have BBCode-specific permissions. These permissions affect EVERYONE, not just individual usergroups. Note how I can choose individual font formatting, image tags, etc at the global level:
Here are the usergroup-specific BBCode permissions. Again, I highlighted what can be customized per usergroup. Notice how there's nothing to customize for BBCode, just on or off, and smileys:
What I'm saying is that I would like to be able to use the GLOBAL permissions (top pic) at the USERGROUP level (lower pic). Then I can have UsergroupA use font and img codes while UsergroupB is limited to Bold, Italic, etc Font codes only. Right now, it's an all or nothing proposition. Global permissions for granular controls don't make sense to me, and would be better served if you could change them at the usergroup level.
Originally Posted by VBDev
Still visible ? Where ? What do you mean ?
When font controls are off, the BBcode editor dropdowns for fonts are still visible, again, shown here, but they do nothing since I have font bbcodes off:
Originally Posted by VBDev
Seems like there are missing words ? I don't understand you.
There are no missing words. What I'm saying is clear. There is no way to make the "Active Users" area use the smallfont style, like other area of the chatbox. The area I'm referring to is visible when you choose to view active users below the chat text area. Here's a picture to be clear. My picture shows you how I wanted it, but I had to hack the code to force the smallfont style. Otherwise, the font is 50% larger and looks horrible when the other areas have smallfont styles:
Originally Posted by VBDev
Well this is not the same for all styles as this is done through templates so you shouldn't have a problem, do you ?
No, that's the problem. I cannot easily style the chat text background and text because you used standard style tags for it. My dark themes put the chat text on dark backgrounds and make the text light, which I don't want. I wanted to be able to keep the chat background and text colors consistent everywhere, no matter what theme is used. This would require a style override, which there isn't an option for, so I had to hack it in.
Obviously, I can hack each update and force it to do my bidding as best as I can, but I'd rather see clean options for these customization issues to speed up the update process and limit user error.