Originally Posted by ConfusedCartman
Thanks for the earlier clarification Phalynx.
I have a small feature request, if possible: what do you think of a "discard" option for items, both purchased and received as a gift? That way, people can get rid of the things they buy even if the "Sell item back to shop" option is disabled. This would also provide a way for users to discard items that were gifted to them. Currently, they are stuck with the items they've been given, which can be a nuisance.
On a slightly related note, what do you think about allowing us to enable the "Sell item back to shop" option per shop item? Maybe have a checkbox next to each item listing in the "Edit Items" view which would enable or disable the "Sell item back to shop" option per each item. Along with this should be a checkbox at the very top of the column which would enable or disable all items in a category, making it easy to switch on and off entire categories.
The shop gift's will be reworked in one of the next bigger version, I will also include some new options for this.
Originally Posted by TubeOfMommment
hi . i hawe problem with mod... my level is not rising . always 99% and need to another lwl 0 points .. pls help
Did you imported a level xml?
Originally Posted by yeshoward
feature request
please put a "sarch" function on
We have 100,000 members, it is hard to click "next page" all the time to look up someone's level
It is already there, take a look at the right side.