Originally Posted by Freesteyelz
This mod makes up for what group discussions lack. Great mod, Phalynx.
I'm testing this mod and I was curious about the query below. We can run a query to remove a forum from a GroupID:
UPDATE socialgroup SET forumid=0 WHERE groupid=%GROUPID%
1) Can we use that same query to assign an existing forum to a Social Group by adding the ForumID and GroupID? So let's say I have forum A (ID 15) and created a Social Group (ID 2). Can I do this?
UPDATE socialgroup SET forumid=15 WHERE groupid=2
2) If I wanted to disassociate a forum from a Social Group can I transfer or convert the forum threads/posts to the Social Group Discussions? Right now we can convert Social Group Discussions into forum threads and posts. Having the option to do the opposite would come in handy too. 
Yes, you can use that query to do it. You will have also to manually edit/delete moderators of this forum.