well i finally have time to answer your queries, so here we go...
Originally Posted by inciarco
One thing to be Careful with this Mod, and perhaps one Bug for the Developper to Consider (perhaps a different code for the Template Edit):
When making the Template Edit, if you Disable the Mod then the Registration Form wont show the Fields for users to introduce the Date of Birth so the Form will show them that those Fields are missing and wont allow them to introduce those values and also not to Register in your Boards. This happened to me and when I noticed this I realized that was the Template Edits and the Mod being Disabled (Turned Off) was was causing that Problem.
I Hope the Developper can offer a Solution for the Mod being Disabled without affecting the Registration Form and Process.
My Best Regards.

Thanks for the heads up there.. it's one of those things i didnt even thing about... As of v2.5 Final there are no template edits, it's been moved into the profile_complete hook and as a result will disable when plugin is remove/disabled..
Originally Posted by music legend
can you upgrade this to work with 3.8
only reason i really ask is because i cant uninstall this on my 3.8 board because new members cant register. im stuck with the 2.0 Beta 2 release and cant upgrade because my forum is now running VB3.8
Age lock works fine with vb3.8.x, the only changes between v2.0 and 2.5 was optimization and bug fixes...
Why cant new members register? is that a board choice or a result of agelock?? if you would like my assistance on installing this mod please feel free to contact me (via email).
However you may wish to try 2.5 *FINAL* before doing this.. (Attached to this post)
V2.5 is now considered in it's FINAL, and development has now stopped on this version and moved on to v3.0 as a result only Bug Fixes will now be released!