I have links on my index page. When a person clicks the links I need the src of an iframe on another page to reflect what link was clicked.
It works ok if the link was opening up a standard html page but now I want that iframe page to be wrapped in vbulletin.
Home page with the links is index.php
The html page with the iframe is test.html
The iframe is named view
When wrapped in vbulletin it is a page called testpage
The script I have on my test.html page is:
<script type="text/javascript">
function iframe_src()
var locsubstr = location.search.substring(1);//find url parameter
if((locsubstr.indexOf("view")!= -1))//if there is a new path for changeme
var changemeloc = locsubstr.substring(locsubstr.indexOf("=") + 1, locsubstr.length);//find the newpath for changeme
parent.frames[0].location.replace(changemeloc);//change changeme to new path
{parent.frames[0].location.replace(defaultpath);}//if there isn't a new path, set changeme to default
<body onload = "iframe_src()";>
The link that works to test.html is:
(Note: I have removed a ] where appropriate in the below so the code will show)
URL="http://<my domain>/test.html?view=http://www.domain.com/index.html?from=public_rss"]Link No 1...[/URL
Now if I make the test.html page a part of vb I call the page up using:
So my new link which doesn't work is
URL="http://<my domain>/index.php?pageid=testpage?view=http://www.domain.com/index.html?from=public_rss"]Just Testing...[/URL
I am sure it is to do with the script on the test.html page in searching through the string to ascertain what the domain address to use is or I suppose it could some other problem.
Any help is very much appreciated and thanks!