Originally Posted by RaZoRShawN
-Create new User Groups
-Add new ranks to the proper groups (original vb promotions are based on post count, so add new ranks with Minimum Posts 0 --- will not create problems with the vBeXperience promotion system.
-update(edit) ex.: vbexperience_level_2_average.xml with the proper usergroupid values (from the new groups that you have created)
$vbulletin->db->query_write("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "xperience_level (xperience_points, xperience_level, usergroupid) VALUES (50,1,9)");
-import new(updated by You) vbexperience_level_2_average.xml
Enabling internal promotion system of vBeXperience will promote users to usergroups based on eXperience level (values) from now.
See Also
for details of editing and rules of doing such.
I did this but no one gets a promotion.
Usergroup: WannaBe Member* (test usergroup. Same rights as registerd member)
Usergroup id: 62
Use the promotion system? Yes
Promotions: check picture.
$vbulletin->db->query_write("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "xperience_level (xperience_points, xperience_level, usergroupid) VALUES (50,1,62)");