If you want to add
Google Adsense Postbit Integration in more places in your forum like in the Private messages then do this:
- Create a new plugin and add:
- Product: Google Adsense Postbit Integration
- Hook Location: parse_templates
- Title: Google Adsense PM Integration
- Execution Order: 5
- Plugin PHP Code:
PHP Code:
eval('$gaip_code1= "' . fetch_template('gaip_code1') . '";');
- Plugin is Active: Yes
- Click Save.
- Now go style manager and search in templates:
- Find in Private Message / pm_showpm template:
HTML Code:
<if condition="$show['quickreply']">
- Adove add:
HTML Code:
<br />
- Click Save and done!
Now if a member read a PM then before the Quick Reply editor is showing the Sponsor Banners.
Tip: You can put the code
$gaip_code1 where ever you like to show the banners, but for me the best places/targets to provide the banners is under 1 post in the topics and before the quickreply editor when a member read the pm.If you place it in more places then your site will lose load speed.
Thanks a lot!!