Originally Posted by Dutch_Boy
Why dont you put it in your main post. In red so everyone see it
And im still busy translating to dutch. Damn allot of text to translate :P Gonna translate the readme to.
Waiting for your Translation

In normal case the language file is enough.
Originally Posted by EidolonAH
Greetings Marius, I was wondering if you are still going to add the ability to have shop items link to actual downloads. If memory serves you said it might be released in 3.8.4 version, but I see it didn't make it in that time around. I would like very much to be able to use your mod on our Skin site but we really need linked items before I can install this, is there a real estimation of when you might include the items being able to link to download files?
Yes, it is still on my todo list. For 3.8.5 there will be reworked User promotion system, additionally achievement (which are almost finished) and also the linkable items. As to the linked items we need to talk seperatly via PM.
Originally Posted by SEW810
Welcome back Phalynx