just installed in a 2.8.4 wp and 3.8.4 vbulletin...
works fine but i have a little question:
i created before the bridging 3 users in wp: 1#admin 2#supermoderator 3# moderator, and they were, admin, editor and author...
when i installed the plugin, these users became the user with the same id on vbulletin, so the articoles' author became the id 1 and 2 of the vbulletin, that was wrong for my site's author, so i tried to modify the articole on the admicp of wordpress, but when i have to choose the author, it appears only the first 3 user (admin supermod and mod) that i created before the bridging, so i cannot choose other authors...
any suggestion?
actually i don't show post author, but i'd like to...
i found a little bug, when i try to change a template page on wordpress the link update give me an error:
Warning: require_once(DIR/includes/functions_newpost.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/.hobbikat/scooter_project/scooter-project.net/forum/includes/class_dm_threadpost.php on line 18
something goes wrong?
edit2: i forgot to turn off the plugin,.... wooops...

now it's ok but the "author" problem is a bit boring...