Originally Posted by Itchy Nips
i just realized that the awards images are not appearing for users that have the "user name images" modification.
I even don't know that modification, but I assume it is using the same hooks.
Originally Posted by Harley D
Add this to your CONFIG.PHP That should get you back into your ADMINCP.
Thanks for this help to the user.
Originally Posted by milsirhc
Thanks Harley!
I've manually add a new column xperience_done in my user DB and that allows me to login.
I re-install the mod and uninstall it by first using the kill_xperience.php and then remove the product but the error came back again...
I guess I just leave xperience_done column in there for now...
That was the problem. In the readme for uninstall is written that you have to uninstall it first by removing the product.
Originally Posted by cykelmyggen
Sometimes users are asking why they have been losing certain amounts of Expirience-points, which they notice at the Activities page. When I take a look at the Point-settings in the ACP, the only thing set for subtracting points is the Infration parameter. The users losing points hasn't been given any infractions. Could anybody please explain this. My only guess so far, is that is has to do with the amount of time they spend online?
Losing points can be caused by deleted posts/threads/discussions, removed buddies/friends, threads that are not pinned anymore, etc...
Also if you have RadioActivity installed, it is removing points...
Originally Posted by Dutch_Boy
Is there someone who using the promotion system? If tried to get it running but no one gets a promotin to a new group
Tried this but i didnt work:
Yes, I know some boards who are using this actively. Also, the Inside SupCom Demoboard is using it.