Originally Posted by NLP-er
- Long texts are translated no matter how big those are
- Cache is working for chosen languages (you simply select for each language does translations should be cached)
- Option to add Google Translate API key for translation requests
- Configurable cache time to live and scheduled task which automatically remove old cache.
- Option to show flags only for guests
- Option to easily remove flags border (without any style changing)
- Option to not translate usernames
- During translation changes param lang in html tag
- Option to translate messages changed by vBSEO to JavaScript (it has such functionality for SEO purposes)
This mod rocks.
Also, you might advise people, just to be safe with the Google Translate TOS, to add a link at the bottom of their forums which says something like:
"Language Translations by
That is what we do, because the Google Translate TOS requires giving credit when you use their services.
Cheers and Wow! Keep up the good work. I'll look at this in more detail soon!