question about permissions
On my forums, I have set it up so that you can only register with a .edu email address ( by putting .com .net .org .biz .us .me and everything else in banned web addresses)
I have a general forums page where everybody can go
Then below I have college specific pages.
.............and I would like to figure out a way so that
can have permission to enter into the MIT subforum of the site
but he cant enter into Harvard subforum, or Boston College subforum etc.
I would like this to be automatic, based on their registered email address. (or whatever solution makes this happen) so that when they register with their mit.edu email address, the system is all set up for him to go to mitsubforum.forumpage.edu
is there a way to code the mitsubforum so that it can look at user trying to enter and qualify him? same with a harvardsubforum and so on?
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actually, I think I found it.
'invitations/promotional code'
I could just have them manually enter their school name using this
I kinda feel like a douche, I posted because I was sure I couldnt find the answer. Its just knowing what terms to search for. (and actually going through all of my vBulletin CP to learn it)