i think i figured out my problem with the feed templates, and im not sure what is going on here...
the feed templates are all using the ID# 2147483647, when the ID numbers for the feeds that were successfully created in the facebook application are all different. when i attempt to set the feed templates to the correct ID #'s and hit save, the number reverts back to 2147483647 no matter what. i have attempted to edit these settings in the SQL table itself through phpmyadmin with no success, it still calls to the ID 2147483647, and I even reinstalled the mod with no success...
im going to try and get rid of the tables altogether and reinstall right now.
no didn't work, i dropped the nexus tables in phpmyadmin and it is still reverting back to the ID# 2147483647 and calling to this ID for all of the feed templates regardless of what is inserted into the options, whenever i save the options it also reverts back to this id # so thats my only problem with this mod right now
oh ok, i see why this is happening. its because my ID #'s are to high for the feed template. 2147483647 is the highest that value will go, because if you set it 1 number lower it saves correctly, but if you set it higher it just stays at that value. my feed ID's are much larger, 138188342072 is one of them...
how can this be fixed?