Hey Guys,
This forum I'm working on requires all users to be manually approved, so to make this process easier for the Admin, how would I display the Age in the Moderation Area?
So I've found this in the admincp/user.php file:
"<input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" value=\"" . $vbphrase['accept_all'] . "\" onclick=\"js_check_radio(1)\" />
<input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" value=\"" . $vbphrase['delete_all'] . "\" onclick=\"js_check_radio(-1)\" />
<input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" value=\"" . $vbphrase['ignore_all'] . "\" onclick=\"js_check_radio(0)\" />"
), 0, 'thead', -3);
while ($user = $db->fetch_array($users))
$cell = array();
$cell[] = "<a href=\"user.php?" . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "do=edit&u=$user[userid]\" target=\"_user\"><b>$user[username]</b></a>";
$cell[] = "<a href=\"mailto:$user[email]\">$user[email]</a>";
$cell[] = "$user[age]";
$cell[] = "<a href=\"usertools.php?" . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "do=doips&depth=2&ipaddress=$user[ipaddress]&hash=" . CP_SESSIONHASH . "\" target=\"_user\">$user[ipaddress]</a>";
$cell[] = "
<label for=\"v_$user[userid]\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"validate[$user[userid]]\" value=\"1\" id=\"v_$user[userid]\" tabindex=\"1\" />$vbphrase[accept]</label>
<label for=\"d_$user[userid]\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"validate[$user[userid]]\" value=\"-1\" id=\"d_$user[userid]\" tabindex=\"1\" />$vbphrase[delete]</label>
<label for=\"i_$user[userid]\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"validate[$user[userid]]\" value=\"0\" id=\"i_$user[userid]\" tabindex=\"1\" checked=\"checked\" />$vbphrase[ignore]</label>
print_cells_row($cell, 0, '', -4);
So the phrase works fine, but using "$user[age]" it doesn't work?
Any help would be appreciated
[Refer to pic for clarification]