Originally Posted by NLP-er
This time it is whole mine. Each line of code. My own new algorithms, DB. Everthing
About minimum mysql and php - if vbulletin is working this mod should be working
Unfortunatelly I don't know mnimum - but it is very easy to install and uninstall, so just try 
Good Coder, Thanks for very quick reply.
I install it and tested under PHP 4.x.x and I found it runs very well.
Now I have to plan it on to our main site for the active services.
But I have to set images border to "0".
Now, this very fast translate I found, The speed is very satisfied to me.
My next concern is if is possible to translate very long text in once trial without it's length limit.
I hope that.
And I will report later after it installed.
Thank you again.