what about the vbseo warning for the previous mod
A notice to vBSEO owners.
As vBSEO.com Staff we don't advise using this mod for the following reasons.
This modification breaks the purpose of correct link consensus.
Translation quality is bad and would you want your site visitors to face shitty translated pages
Google advises to use correct url structure for translated pages which should be defined as domain.com/en/thread1 domain.com/de/thread2 . The important part in here is that each translation should have a unique domain. With this mod you are outranking your original url by creating duplicate version of the urls.
Using this mod is clearly agains Google Translation API TOS.
For vBSEO Owners more information can be found at http://www.vbseo.com/f4/support-mult...nguages-35168/
and are the translated pages stored in a db ?