Originally Posted by artifice
I noticed something strange... Not sure if it's been brought up in the last 360 pages or not so I apologize if it has. When you ban a user using the dropdown the ban only lasts till the user logs out and logs back in... I think this only happens with the dropdown... If this is intentional then can you tell me where I could change this? I can code pretty well so just point me in the right direction and I'll take care of it...

grrrrrrr i test this to my user...and you know what happen next...i can't put her back again...because i can't found the UNBAN the user... on that dropdown thing...i look anywhere and nothing to find....or am i blind...
all we have to do is use the command:
- /ban off uid userid : Unban the user specified by the userid passed as command parameter.
- /ban off uname userid : Unban the user specified by the username passed as command parameter.
- /ban show : Open a popup window containing the list of users banned from the chatbox with the possibility of unban users simply through buttons in this window.