Originally Posted by rmxs
1st doenst work with greek words...
Tags Propositions doesnt add greek words
2nt how can i clean Tags Propositions?
3th this mob create empty tags don’t know if it’s the greek words or something else
i use UTF8 DB
1st - I need access to some greak forum to be able to handle this and made updated version. If you can set up some test forum in greek with some test content or give me access to already running forum then I will gladly handle this
2nd - Admin CP -> Thread Tager -> Tags Propositions - Approve or Disapprove and proposition will disappear
3th - this mod don't create tags directly. First propositions and propositions have to be approved (can be automatically after quarantine). So if propositions are empty, or proposition is fine and after approve tag is empty then it is obvious bug in my mod

Again - need to reproduce to handle this.