Originally Posted by Phalynx
Originally Posted by stardotstar View Post
Hi, I'm uncertain if this is fixed earlier in the pages, but please point me there if so,,,
I have only a few of the options showing as configuration panels when clicked on in the side bar of the acp.
ie the settings labeled:
do not display - I get a blank right side main panel
but the others work fine....
I recall something like this with another mod but I cannot remember if it got fixed or what caused it...
Ring any bells?
BTW thank you for such a huge update - massive and most awesome mod!
That is a known issue, but not with vBExperience, it's PHP:
- Settings are showing only a blank page, read here: http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/proje...6979#note74140
I knew it was something related - thank you for setting me off in the right direction - it was the photoplog I last saw this with.
Great mod, great support, thank you very much.