Originally Posted by GoodOmens
However I'm getting the "click and nothing happens" problem. I've triple checked my settings and everything is like it should be.
Then you're doing something wrong. Check all your settings, because one of them is off.
Originally Posted by GoodOmens
Can this mod be installed on two different forums (different domains) on the same server IP? I have set up a second facebook app.
Absolutely, I had it running on 3 at one point. Facebook doesn't care about your ip address @ all, just the domain
Originally Posted by GoodOmens
Do I need submit my second application for verification? Anyone using more then one install?
This app doesn't care about verification, it cares about proper code and procedures. Follow the instructions and the app works.
I have in the past had it running on 3 domains on the same ip, since I've moved them to separate ip addresses, and added a second to the main install for testing purposes, so yes, this does work with multiple installs on the same ip. Check your configuration on both ends, and make sure that everything is uploaded as it should be.