Update: v3.8.012 - Thursday 13th August 2009
-- Added: German language file "read_pms_deu.php" - thanks to
-- Updated: "readpms.php" to accommodate the new language
-- Updated: Instructions
This is just a language update. There is no new functionality, no bug fixes, just added a new language. So, only update if you feel the need to.
Speedy1505 continued the ball rolling with language translations (thank you once again Speedy

), again I will make the request.
As a lot of people benefit from this hack, if you have time, I would urge you to help me out and give back to the community at the same time, by providing a translation in your native language (as long as there is not an official translation already out there).
So, if you read and write a different language other than English, German or Italian, and have a couple of hours to provide a translation in your language, please see the
Translations section in the first post for more information.