guys.....i am still on vB. 3.6.8. PL2 here....tried this version here and later bought and pay $20.00 for the new version.....same all of you...had also this problem and got mad of it....but i did nor give it up just like that...tried so many possible solutions that i think of to solve it i am very happy and proud to say....coz' it's all workin perfect now to my i said...all issue that i am seeing from each one of you here....same here and i had also headache from all of this issue...but as i said....maybe i'm just lucky enough to find the way to resolved it myself...maybe problems that developer itself can't hardly resolve or even explain it to me? or to anyone else here at the moment...well we can't blame him now.....coz' we all know that he's also trying his best to make this all work perfect to each one of us...
as i said....the new version that i have this moment is really working good to my still Vb 3.6.8 PL2
and if you all askin me now what, how did i resolve all of this issue?....hmmm....
Just did a very simple...
1. Close/turn off the chatbox
2. Delate all Files to my host server cpanel
3. Delete Product.XML, Language to my site Admin Cpanel
4. Now Go Back to your Website Admin Cpanel > Style Manager > Your Main Style or All Styles > Revert All MGC Chatbox Evo Templates....
5. Now Clean Cache to your main browser
Now....take a deep breath have a smoke...relax...and cross your finger...
and READ the INSTRUCTIONS PROPERLY...and start for a NEW...CLEAN...and PROPER INSTALL!....i said.... NEW...CLEAN...and PROPER INSTALL!..
1. Upload all Files to their proper places carefully and orderly...
2. Upload Product.XML
3. Upload Language
4. Set All Chat Options Settings properly and orderly
5. Set All User's Pemissions (or to yourself at first for a full test)
to conclude this BLA! BLA! BLA! for you...i might say here now that wish to all of you out there to have a proper and working chatbox now...and enjoy it as much as i enjoy it the proper and working chatbox without any single problem...which anyone of you like me are all dying to have it the way it work and used to be...
