I am aware of that. I am developing the code to include a section in ACP where you can set up the mod for use on both C-Logic SEO rewritten URLs and standard vBulletin rewritten URLs and I took NLP-er's advice and quickly threw the product file dependencies in and uploaded the program. Well, I used the current code which doesn't have all of the options.
The blank space is there but doesn't do anything and is harmless. I realized this when I saw it in my forum but figured it was harmless and the next update will quickly take care of it.
I apologize for any confusion it may have caused.
The next release should be pretty soon and it will not depend solely on C-Logic SEO. As for the future options, I've extended the features of this mod on my forum to only display the rewritten URL to guests. I've also found modifications that use and display vBulletin URLs in their original form despite C-Logic rewriting them and I used the base of this code to fix those errors.
In the future releases, I hope to extend this code to become sort of a sister product of C-Logic because nobody should be satisfied with just using mod_rewrite to restructure their URLs. The effectiveness of URL structure has been debated by plenty of people and whatever your stance, it should not be the only search engine optimization you do for your site.
I love the direction dxlwebs is taking with his software and look forward to the sitemaps and linkback features he is working on. I'm just trying to do my small part to extend the search engine optimization of a standard vBulletin forum because I support free software and I believe that the paid options are over-priced.